Last week's film

I found that there were a few racially slanted leads in this film,especially where the film was discussing gang violence and they showed not only a picture of black men carrying a coffin, they also showed what could have been labeled a gang "meet and greet". This showed that the film was made several years ago. I do not believe that this type of thing would escape the cutting room floor anymore. As for the idea that there is so much emphasis on environment...yes, I believe that environment is a large percentage. I also believe that we can counteract environmental factors. I did find the film to be very good though.

In my Theories of Counseling we watched a film that was an exercise about racism. shows/divided/etc/crusade.html

This is very powerful and it speaks to racism directly, though the film was made in the 1950's I believe she is still giving incredible workshops today. Check it out if you get the chance.

Submitted by Donna Lee on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 2:51pm. Donna Lee's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version